
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

My Mom

My mom is the rarest of women. She wants my dad to be happy. Of all the women I dated only one cared if I was. My mom wants my dad to go hunting, fishing, camping and traveling. She wants to go along and read, site see, and take leisurely walks. When we were kids mom went skiing right along with the boys.

Another rare thing is how well Mom and Dad compliment each other. Dad wants Mom to be happy and have the life they both dream of. They both enjoy helping others and giving to their fellow humans. They both love Jesus and lead by example.

Are they the only couple like this? Certainly not. Still it is very rare. Of all the men in the bible, probably only a handful experienced it. The bible doesn't seem to elaborate on the great husband wife relationships. It speaks of becoming one flesh, but there are few clear examples.

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